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Roll Again: A Book of Games to Play

This game takes a minute to play – since you should never spend longer than a minute in a library on fire.

Roll Again: A Book of Games to Play


edited by Kirsten Irving and Jon Stone

Looking for a different kind of challenge? Roll Again is a collection of rules and instructions – for games to play on your own, with friends or enemies, outside or in. Most are designed to be very short, but one or two may last a week, a month, or a lifetime. There are role-playing games, dice games, creative games and battles, extracts from the likes of H. G. Wells and Charles Cotton as well as new work by contemporary writers.

118pp, ISBN 978-1-909560-28-4

Please note: Due to customs issues, we can no longer ship directly to Europe. European friends, please order from our distributors at Inpress or through your local bookshop.


44 in stock


A vibrant, mischievous pocketful of play, Roll Again is a compendium of old and new games, to be played solo or with others. It’s also an experiment in literary form – it includes texts which are more poem than game. It urges readers to dive into the ambiguous space between imagining and enacting, and in so doing, rethink the meaning of everyday experiences.

The Hipflask Series is an improvised dance of unusual forms and genres, played out across four collaborative, pocket-sized collections. Each book comprises a selection of written works that skirt close to (or cross the border into) poetic composition, revealing the dynamic relationship between poetry and other written forms.

The major theme of each is extrapolated from one or other of these key aspects of modern poetry – play, appropriation, subtext and conflict – but the result is a series that occupies its own strange niche: mutant miscellanies, oddball assortments. Good for a nip or a shot or a long, deep swig.


Linda Black, Jo Brandon, Susan Coolidge, Charles Cotton, Edwin Evans-Thirlwell,Giles Goodland, Kate Greenaway, Cliff Hammett, Captain A. S. Harrison, Charlotte Heather, LCC, Seb Manley, Gerard McKeown, Astra Papachristodoulou, Camille Ralphs, Eileen Ramos, Joe Raudi, Conwenna Ray, Lenni Sanders, Squamate & Rung, James Varney, Rob Walton, H. G. Wells, Mary White, Gen Zendahl

Roll Again: a book of games to play is one of four books in the Headbooks series. For hidden messages, love-hate stories and misquotations, explore the full set.



Submissions wanted for the Hipflask series!

Sidekick Books are back with a call for submissions!
Send us your finest creative moonshine! Four book covers, featuring a dictaphone blended with an octopus, a game board blended with a snake, a couple dancing blended with gunpowder and a lighter and a moth blended with binoculars.

In early 2022, Sidekick Books will be publishing four brand new anthologies in a limited series we’re calling Hipflasks, and we want you to help us fill them.

The titles will be:
  • Say It Again: a book of misquotations
  • Roll Again: a book of games to play
  • You Again: a book of love-hate stories
  • Look Again: a book of hidden messages
  Like a real hipflask, these books will be squat, potent and portable, with notes of poetry and kicks of intertextual meddling. Great for hiding in your garter! Readers will be able to dip in for a nip or a slug, share them and savour their contents. Go to Call for Submissions Deadline: 25th October 2021


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