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If his cypher was discovered too soon, his life would be the forfeit. If never, his labour would be in vain …

Look Again: A Book of Hidden Messages


edited by Kirsten Irving and Jon Stone

We invite you to reflect on all the ways messages can be hidden – and uncovered – in other messages. More than that, we invite you to think about the relationship between the within and the without, and what it tells us about ourselves. Look Again is a compilation of curious poems, short texts and extracts from longer works that all have something to hide or reveal, taking their cues from riddles, cyphers and imaginary languages.

98pp, ISBN 978-1-909560-31-4

Please note: Due to customs issues, we can no longer ship directly to Europe. European friends, please order from our distributors at Inpress or through your local bookshop.


Cryptic symbols, secret languages, riddles and warnings hidden in plain sight. Look Again is a pocket cipher, full of double meanings and linguistic secret passageways. Carry it with you. Read and re-read it. You won’t want to miss a thing.

The Hipflask Series is an improvised dance of unusual forms and genres, played out across four collaborative, pocket-sized collections. Each book comprises a selection of written works that skirt close to (or cross the border into) poetic composition, revealing the dynamic relationship between poetry and other written forms.

The major theme of each is extrapolated from one or other of these key aspects of modern poetry – play, appropriation, subtext and conflict – but the result is a series that occupies its own strange niche: mutant miscellanies, oddball assortments. Good for a nip or a shot or a long, deep swig.


Eve Bishop, Charles Carroll Bombaugh, Adam Crothers, James Kearns, Vika Gusak, Harry North, Jason Johnson, Paul Kavanagh, Claire Orchard, Belle Roach, Patrick Davidson Roberts, Imogen Ruth, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Elizabeth Wells Gallup




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