Pocket Spellbook


edited by Kirsten Irving and Jon Stone

We’ve all been there. Out and about, you suddenly need to conjure an orchard, or transform one dog into one cat. If only you had a pocket tome to advise you on the best charm.

Worry no longer! Dr Fulminare proudly presents Pocket Spellbook, a portable grimoire for all your magick needs!

46pp, ISBN 978-0-9564164-2-1

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Charms! Incantations! Effects both welcome and unwelcome! Here, for the first time, is the handiest of handy resources for the budding 21st century magic user. I, Dr Fulminare, have enlisted some of the most formidable spell-crafters in the underground spell-crafting scene and squeezed them for their most potent, most agreeable recipes. Think of this as a sorceror’s Swiss army knife, a conjuror’s camping cook-book, a warlock’s wicked bag of tricks.

Featuring words and art by:

Mark Waldron, Rab Green, Rowyda Amin, Tony Williams, Jack Underwood, Ian McLachlan, Cliff Hammett, Sophie Mayer, Declan Ryan, Helena Nelson, Edward Mackay, John Clegg, Amy Key, Luke Kennard, Jack Underwood, i-lib, Alexandra Lazar, Oliver Townsend and Saroj Patel. If you like your poetry pint-sized, check out our other micro-anthologies, Obakarama and Korsakoff’s Paper Chain.