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Submissions Call! Ten Poets Travel to the Dark Side of the Moon

Hot on the heels of our first four Ten Poets titles, we’ve gotten all fired up for another one! Launch your best words our way for

Ten Poets Travel to the Dark Side of the Moon!

If you’re not familiar with the Ten Poets series, each title dips into a beloved pop-culture theme, from murder mysteries to ghost stories to erotica to monster movies. We want you to think creatively and show us your own take on the subject each time. Do you discover something strange? Do you think about your life on Earth? Do you make it to the moon at all?

Submissions should have the general character of a poem or poem-adjacent text, but they do not have to be straightforward lyric pieces. You could create a prose poem, vignette, short lyric essay – in fact, we encourage you to think in terms of longer, looser forms (up to 500 words). This follows the trend established over our last eight anthologies, which mixed and combined poetry with elements of essay, guidebook, puzzle, flash fiction and so on.

For more visual pieces, please note that all pages will be printed in black and white, and will be in portrait format.

Check out the submissions call for more information and FAQs, and feel free to email us with questions.

Deadline: 15 December. Get ready for blast-off!


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