Edgar Lee Masters’ Spoon River Anthology, published in 1915, comprised epitaphs for the community of a fictional small American town. In this supersaurine collaboration, poet J.T. Welsch and illustrator Dom&Ink relocate to Hell Creek, Montana and imagine the lives of the dinosaurs discovered there. Meet the ruthless Tyrannosaurus rex, his attorney Judge Anklyosaurus, the radical Stygimoloch spinifer, and convicted cop-killer Dromaeosaurus albertensis. Spiky, razor-toothed, densely-plated poems spill a bleak saga, fringed with savagely assured inks and thunderous colour, as the predators and lovers of Hell Creek come up against their individual and collective doom.“A truly fanciful poetic adaptation encompassing some of the most famous characters in palaeontological history.”
Dr. Lowell Dingus (American Museum of Natural History), author of Hell Creek, Montana: America’s Key to the Prehistoric Past.
About the Authors
J.T. Welsch has published six chapbooks of poetry, including Orchids (Salt), Waterloo (Like This), and most recently, The Ruin (Annexe). He lives in York, UK, where he teaches at the University of York. Find him at and @jtwelsch.
Dom & Ink (Dominic Evans) has published two illustrated books, Map My Heart and Map My Style (Huck & Pucker). His work has also appeared in Glamour and Brighton Museum. He lives in Manchester, UK. Find him at and @Dom_Ink.