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In truth, the article was of little interest to me until a scholar accidentally spilt upon it a ravenous acid out of the cup from which I had motioned him to drink.

Korsakoff’s Paper Chain


edited by Kirsten Irving and Jon Stone

“There’s the balloon, and there you are, waving. Do you remember? You must remember.”

False memory, or Korsakoff’s Syndrome, leads subjects to fill in the blanks of events they never experienced. In this pocket study, Dr Fulminare conscripts poets to reconstruct a doomed text from fire, acid and the ministrations of his pet slow loris. With each iteration, the text takes on new life, and rapidly forgets its old one.

72pp, 978-0-9564164-4-5

Please note: Due to customs issues, we can no longer ship directly to Europe. European friends, please order from our distributors at Inpress or through your local bookshop.

21 in stock


Just as a patient suffering from Korsakoff’s Syndrome, which affects the memory, may confabulate – create a false account in order to explain their solution and completely believe in it – and just as an act of architectural restoration may involve a certain amount of creative guesswork, so too goes the story of this wretched scrap of literature. Repeatedly destroyed, savaged, battered and blown to bits, only to be rebuilt from a few scattered remains by a different writer every time, it has survived long enough to be worth my presenting to you in bound form, with every past iteration having been reclaimed using sorcery, and the full story of its life painstakingly put back together. I, Dr Fulminare, give you the one and only Korsakoff’s Paper Chain.

Featuring words and art by:

David Floyd, Charlotte Geater, Aiko Harman, Sarah Howe, Edward Mackay, Richard O’Brien, Adham Smart, James Wilkes, Chrissy Williams and Tony Williams. If you like your poetry pint-sized, check out our other micro-anthologies, Pocket Spellbook and Obakarama.


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