Birds, Tigers and Terrible Lizards
Our first big event of 2016, booked for 30th March, is Birds, Tigers & Terrible Lizards, a late London launch for two of our recent titles: J.T Welsch and Dom & Ink’s Hell Creek Anthology and the many-poeted Birdbook: Farmland, Heathland, Mountain, Moorland. We’ll also be having a little ten-month celebration of Lives Beyond Us, to round out the theme of the evening. There will be animal/dinosaur mask-making activities and a quiz, and readers on the night so far confirmed include:
J.T. Welsch
Christopher Reid
Alison Brackenbury
Sarah Hesketh
Richard Osmond
Peter Daniels
Jeremy Keighley
Dzifa Benson
The venue is LIBRARY in Covent Garden, which looks like this:
The Facebook page for the event is here, but if you don’t use Facebook, please RSVP to us at so that we know you’re coming, as there will be a guest list system in operation and we don’t want to leave anyone out in the cold.