10 Poets is a series of books, each of which sets a decet of poets on a new course, turning their skills to new and surprising ends. Each title in the series takes an existing genre of storytelling and blends in poetic elements. Whether they’re slaying kaiju monsters, spooking us out, solving murders or seducing icons from history, our game bards shapeshift, time-travel and stoke the campfire in their own poetic ways.Ten Poets Tell You Their Favourite Ghost Story sees our poets dance from classic fable to urban legend, taking in a little techno-horror along the way. Eerie tales are made all the more uncanny by poetic cadence, urging you on, down that path, nudging you further through that cursed book, tempting you to repeat that name once more in the mirror…
Tim Tim Cheng, Jen Feroze, Matthew Haigh, Rowan Lyster, Nora Nadjarian, Caleb Parkin, Clare Pollard, Tom Sastry, Danny Snelson, Róisín Tierney