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Sidekick Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar Day 15 – Julia Rose Lewis

Day 15 of the Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar, and thanks to Julia Rose Lewis, things are taking a turn for the experimental. Measurements are being taken, parameters adjusted and results shimmering into view. What fascinating laboratory have we stumbled upon?

For more mingling of science and poetry, follow Julia on Twitter @lilysbarnmate.

Sidekick Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar Day 14 – Lesley Sharpe

Day 14 of the Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar, and Lesley Sharpe is taking us into the heart of the beast: Bluebeard’s castle. As we wander the catacombs, listening to his footfall overhead, what horrors might we happen upon and wish we could unsee?

Follow Lesley on Twitter @lesleyksharpe

Sidekick Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar Day 13 – Abigail Parry

Day 13 of the Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar, and Abigail Parry takes us by the hand and leads us into the gin-and-dice den of the underworld. Furtive gambling, caught breath, the scent of death – is this pit of sin too risky to peep into? Find out…

For more about Abigail, follow her on Twitter @ginpitnancy.

Sidekick Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar Day 12 – Phil Madden

Day 12 of the Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar, and Phil Madden is tiptoeing through a strange corridor indeed. Things are scurrying, sliding and being stripped every which way you turn. Read on to glimpse for yourself…

Find out more about Phil at, or follow him on Twitter @ifapelican.

Sidekick Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar Day 11 – Roberta James

Clank, rattle, creak! Something is firing up, stirring its cogs and rumbling into action. It’s Day 11 of the Sidekick Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar, and Roberta James is our resident engineer, keen to show us her latest contraption. Read her pistoning poem here.

Follow Roberta on Twitter @RobertaWriter to see more of her fantastical inventions!

Sidekick Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar Day 10 – Matt Haigh

Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
Rain, rain, go away
I can’t stand the rain / on my window

Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar Day 10 and the incomparable Matt Haigh brings us a damp, misty window through which to gaze. Rain, tears, vodka or melted snowballs? Read on and decide…

Find out more about Matt Haigh at or follow him on Twitter @MattHaighPoetry.

Sidekick Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar Day 8 – Phil Monks

Day 8 of the Sidekick Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar, and Phil Monks is here with a handy how-to guide. How to what, we don’t rightly know, but how about we try following his cryptic rules, and see what emerges?

Find out more about Phil at and follow him on Twitter @PhilipMonks


Sidekick Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar Day 7 – Chrissy Williams

It’s Day 7 and we’re ditching the smog of London for the bright lights of Las Vegas, according to our tour guide, Chrissy Williams.

At least, that’s what it looks like from our tiny airplane window. Only something down there doesn’t look quite like it does in the movies…

For more Chrissy goodness, follow her on Twitter @chrissywilliams and visit her den at

Sidekick Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar Day 6 – Desmond Swords

Welcome back! Our soothsayer for Day 6 of our Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar is Desmond Swords.

Today’s poem is staring at the skies, trying to makes sense of the fragments above. Signs, portents, flashes in the night, but only ever a partial glimpse through the telescope.

You can find out more about Desmond at

Sidekick Aperture Poetry Advent Calendar Day One – Andrea Tallarita

Happy Advent, one and all! This year, we put out a call for Aperture poems to light up the old Sidekick Calendar.

The Aperture Poem is a form invented by the poet James Midgley for his ‘Pinhole’ sequence. The form places a window-shaped frame on an existing text, to show us only a fragment, as if we are passing by a house, eavesdropping on a conversation or sat in the restricted access seats at the theatre.

The results have been wonderful, and we can’t wait to fling wide the window and show you the splendid pieces we chose.

But wait we must! One day at a time, folks!

To kick off with, it’s a fantastic piece by our favourite Roman  Senator, Andrea Tallarita. Without further nonsense, here’s Day One! Can you guess the text at which we’re sneaking a peek?

PS: We will also be illustrating each post with a copyright-free window cat, because we can.


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